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South Hill Little League

South Hill Little League

Baseball Division Overview

T-Ball Division -  LEAGUE AGE : Ages 4-5:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : No Evaluations - No Draft

  • Beginning level for boys and girls
  • Basic fundamentals (bases, throwing, catching, hitting from tee, field positioning)
  • All players bat each inning
  • No strikeouts or recorded scoring
  • No stealing, no sliding, no leading off
  • Defense teams shall play with all players in the field
  • 9” safety “T” ball is used
  • Players may make buddy or coach requests

Coach Pitch - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 6-7:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : No Evaluations - No Draft

  • Initial concepts of baseball with some progression to more complex concepts
  • Emphasis on throwing, catching, hitting and sportsmanship. 
  • Live hitting from Coach pitcher
  • All players bat in lineup
  • Defense positions 10 players in field and all players receive playing time
  • Scoring is recorded
  • No stealing or leading off, sliding is permitted
  • Players may make buddy or coach requests
  • 9" Star-5 safety baseball is used
  • 5-year olds with previous T-Ball experience and currently enrolled in Kindergarten may request a waiver into Coach Pitch Division 

A Baseball Division - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 7-8:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : No Evaluations - No Draft
  • Fundamentals of baseball are reinforced and the game is played with standard baseball rules
  • Emphasis on throwing, catching, hitting and sportsmanship. 
  • Live hitting from pitching machine
  • All players bat in lineup
  • Defense positions 10 players in field and all players receive playing time
  • Scoring is recorded
  • Excellent starting division for those new to the sport
  • Players may make buddy or coach requests
  • 9" regulation baseball is used
  • Players in this division are NOT eligible for postseason All-Star Team selection

AA Baseball Division - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 8-9:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : No Evaluations - No Draft

  • Fundamentals of baseball are reinforced and the game is played with standard baseball rules
  • First year of player pitching
  • Increased player skill sets, including base stealing without lead-offs
  • Play becomes more competitive and scores and player statistics are recorded
  • All players bat in lineup
  • Defense positions 10 players in field and all players receive playing time
  • Excellent starting division for those new to the sport
  • Players may make buddy or coach requests
  • 9" regulation baseball is used
  • Player pitching is from 46' and base paths are 60'
  • 7-year olds with previous A-Ball experience may request a waiver into AA Baseball Division
  • Players in this division are NOT eligible for postseason All-Star Team selection

AAA Baseball Division - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 9-10-11:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : Evaluations & Draft

  • All 10-year olds and all 9-year olds with extensive baseball experience should initially register for this division
  • AAA Baseball is a competitive division and is best suited for players with previous baseball experience
  • Player skill sets are increased and secondary baseball skills are introduced such as field positioning, relays, cut-offs, and pitchers begin to learn different pitches
  • Players begin to receive positional assignments and playing time, while guaranteed, is not always equal
  • Scores are recorded along with player statistics and division standings are published
  • All players bat in lineup and rosters are restricted to 12 players
  • Defense positions 9 players in field and all players receive playing time
  • Stealing and sliding are permitted, but lead-offs are not
  • Batters may NOT advance on a dropped third strike
  • Players may NOT make buddy or coach requests and all registrants must attend a AAA Division try-out and will then subsequently be drafted onto teams. Any player age 10 or younger who is not selected to a AAA team will be given a roster spot on a AA Division team.
  • Players, once drafted, remain with their team for the length of their time in the AAA Division
  • 9" regulation baseball is used
  • Player pitching is from 46' and base paths are 60'
  • 11-year olds playing their first year of baseball or with very little previous baseball experience may register for AAA Division upon registration
  • Players in this division are eligible for postseason All-Star Team selection

Majors Division - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 10-11-12:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : Evaluations & Draft

  • All 12-year olds and 11-year olds with any previous baseball experience should initially register for this division
  • Majors is the top division of Little League Baseball and is highly competitive and aggressive
  • Player skills sets are highly developed and players have moderate to advanced baseball IQ
  • Players receive positional assignments and playing time, while guaranteed, is not always equal
  • Scores, statistics, and division standings are recorded and published
  • Managers may bat the entire lineup or have 10-man batting orders. All players must bat at least once in each game.
  • Defense positions 9 players in field all players receive playing time
  • Stealing and sliding are permitted, but lead-offs are not
  • Batters may advance on a dropped third strike
  • Players may NOT make buddy or coach requests and all registrants initially enrolling in division must attend a Majors Division try-out and will then subsequently be drafted onto teams. Any player age 11 or younger who is not selected to a Majors team will be given a roster spot on a AAA Division team.
  • Players, once drafted, remain with their team for the length of their time in the Majors Division.
  • 9" tournament grade baseball is used
  • Player pitching is from 46' and base paths are 60'
  • All 12-year olds must be drafted onto a Majors division team unless the players parents believe it will be a safety risk for the player. In this case, and only in this case, they may request a waiver from the Board of Directors to play down to AAA Division.
  • 10-year olds with extensive baseball experience and an exceptional level of talent may request a waiver into the Majors Division
  • Players in this division are eligible for postseason All-Star Team selection

Juniors Division - LEAGUE AGE : Ages 13-14:   (Age the player will be on August 31) : Evaluations & Draft

  • All 13-year olds and 14-year olds must register for this division. 12-year olds may request a waiver into the Juniors Division. and 14 year olds register here.
  • Play at this level is in line with Junior High baseball skill and competitiveness
  • Players have generally played previous seasons of baseball, but first time players may be registered into this division
  • Stealing, sliding, lead-offs, and on-deck circles are permitted
  • Batters may advance on a dropped third strike
  • Players may NOT make buddy or coach requests and all registrants initially enrolling in division must attend a Juniors Division try-out and then subsequently be drafted onto teams. Any player age 12 not drafted onto a Juniors team may re-register for Majors Division.
  • Players, once drafted, remain with their team for the length of their time in the Juniors Division
  • BBcor Bats may be used
  • On Deck Batters allowed
  • Teams are allowed to play double-headers
  • 9" regulation baseball is used
  • Player pitching is from 60'6" and base paths are 90'
  • Players in this division are eligible for postseason All-Star Team selection

All players in any division requesting to play up from their regulation age group must request a waiver from SHLL and then pass a safety and skills evaluation before being permitted to advance. Players may never play up more than one year beyond their current age.

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