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South Hill Little League

South Hill Little League

T-Ball - Ages 4, 5 & 6: Boys & Girls Co-Ed Teams

This Co-ed Division is the introductory level of baseball for both boys and girls. T-Ball players hit a Safe-T-Soft level baseball off of a batting tee. The primary goals of T-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork in a Little League baseball setting. No kid pitching is permitted in this division. The most common age for this division is 4 - 6 years old.

Registration fee includes hat & jersey that players will keep.

Boys and Girls must turn 4 years old by Dec. 31st the previous year of the current season.

Player's who are league age 5, are currently enrolled in Kindergarten and have one documented season of organized T-Ball may request to play up into Coach Pitch, pending player safety review. NOTE: Player's age 5 who elect to play up into Coach Pitch are required to play Coach Pitch a 2nd year as players cannot move up into A-Ball until they are league age 7.

Coach's Meeting: The Coach's Meeting for T-Ball, Coach Pitch and A-Ball is scheduled for mid-March each season and this is where the coaches will get their team assignments and then within a day or two, begin contacting parents to introduce themselves as your child's coach. Your coach will also give you your practice schedule and let you know which field to meet your new team at. 

Practice Season Opens: Practice Season opens the end of March.

Practice Dates: Teams and practice schedules won't be picked by the Coaches until the meeting in early March. Coaches typically chose 2 practices per week although with the rainy season hanging over our heads in early Spring, it's common to have to cancel one.

Game Season: Game Season opens the end of April/ early May. Game schedules won't go out until at least the 2nd or 3rd week of practice season. Just like practice season, your player won't necessarily play their 1st game on opening day - this is just the overall Opening Game Season for the lower divisions. Teams are scheduled 2 games per week, most games are weeknights at 6pm but an occasional Saturday game may be scheduled, especially if we have a lot of rain outs to get rescheduled. Once games begin most teams don't have any more practices but an occasional coach may try to schedule a practice if there's a field available.

Equipment Needed for Individual Players: South Hill Little League supplies the T-shirt jersey and hat that each player gets to keep at the end of the season. Equipment needed for player's 1st practice is: Batting helmet, cleats, baseball pants or sweat pants and a baseball style cap, long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, and comfortable jacket or hoodie.  A bat is not required but if you purchase one, the T-Ball bats must be Little League approved. To measure a bat for your child, while having your player hold one end of the bat under their chin, they should be able to place their fingers over the other end of the bat. Not "finger tip touch" the other end, but "cup" their fingers around the end of the bat. 

Uniform Information: Do not purchase baseball uniform items ie; belt, uniform pants, or socks until you have met with your player's coach at the first or 2nd practice. Coach's won't know their uniform colors until we have the Coach's Meeting and even then, color variances don't translate over emails so most coach's will not have you purchase the additional uniform items until you all meet in person.

Batting helmets for Girls: Once girls age into Girls Coach Pitch, they will be required to have a batting helmet fitted with a face mask so if you buy her T-Ball batting helmet anticipating using it next season, be sure to get the style that have a face mask attachment.

Where to purchase Uniform Items: Dick's Sporting Goods is an official sponsor of Little League and they will be setting up a SHLL weekend and offer discounts. Walmart is another location for affordable cleats and baseball equipment.

Buddy & Coach Request: You can add a Buddy or Coach request to your child's registration.

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